NLPIR 2020 | Seoul, Korea (Virtual) | December 18-20, 2020

NLPIR 2020 ACM-Conference Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-4503-7760-7)
Ei Compendex | Scopus Index
The events of 2020 changed the world in a never seen manner and made it difficult especially for researchers to exchange their results as well as critically discuss the achieved progress with their colleagues from all over the world. The restrictions imposed due to Covid-19 also influenced the organisation of the 4th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval (NLPIR 2020) in a rough manner. In the beginning, it was just though to delay the conference, which shall be held in the end of June in Seoul. However, the situation in the world requires much stronger changes and did only allow to meet online over the Internet using the meanwhile an online conference tool.
At the beginning of the formal conference on Dec. 19, General Co-Chair Prof. Sung Wook Baik, Sejong University, Korea made a welcome message to welcome all participants. Then, the General Chair Prof. Herwig Unger, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany delivered the opening remarks to introduce the technical parts of NLPIR 2021, such as, submission, paper reviewing, etc.

With those new presentation opportunities, we were able to join the five great invited talks of Prof. Haizhou Li (IEEE FELLOW, National University of Singapore, Singapore), Prof. Tianrui Li (Southwest Jiaotong University, China), Prof. Wookey Lee (Inha University, Korea), Prof. Wong Kam Fai (ACL Fellow, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China) and Dr. Mario Kubek (FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany) presenting us the latest, challenging developments in natural language computing and data mining.
In the afternoon of Dec. 19 and the whole day of Dec. 20, 4 technical sessions for authors' presentations have been held successfully. And after evaluation, the session chairs chose 1 best presenter in each session and the awards were granted after sessions ends.
Finally, Prof. Herwig Unger deliver the closing remarks to announce next year's conference plan and made acknowledgements for all participants, conference committee members, etc.
Best Presentation Awards
Session 1: Best Presenter
Simon Fritz, FZI Research Center for Information Technology, Germany
Paper title: Context-sensitive Assistance in Requirements-based Knowledge Management
Session 2: Best Presenter
Jae Woong Lee, State University of New York at Oswego, USA
Paper Title: An Approach to the Exact Packed String Matching Problem
Session 3: Best Presenter
Chaehan So, Yonsei University, Korea
Paper Title: Understanding the Prediction Mechanism of Sentiments by XAI Visualization
Session 4: Best Presenter
Shiyi Xu, National University of Defense Technology, China
Paper Title: A BERT-based Semantic Matching Ranker for Open-domain Question Answering