NLPIR 2022

NLPIR 2022 | Bangkok, Thailand | December 17-19, 2022

NLPIR 2022 ACM-Conference Proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-4503-9762-9)
Ei Compendex | Scopus Index

2021 is the last year of COVID-19, and our world changes better and better that time. In such situation, 2022 6th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval(NLPIR 2022) has been held in Bangkok, Thailand on December 17-19, 2022 in hybrid with virtual style.

      As keynote speakers including Prof. Eduard Hovy, Fellow of ACL, from University of Melbourne, Australia, presented "Toward Understanding the Limitations of Deep Neural Networks", followed by a great talk of Assoc. Prof. Shafiq Rayhan Joty, Research Director at Salesforce Research, from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore on Model, Data and Task Engineering for NLP. Prof. Thepchai Supnithi, Lab. Director, from National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, gave us a great introduction to A Recent Deep Learning approach for Thai Text summarization.

5 conference sessions were filled with the presentation of our participants: the topics have covered many areas from Natural Language Processing and Semantic Analysis; Text Classification and Information Extraction; Vocabulary Analysis and Corpus Construction; Semantic Detection and Emotion Analysis; Information Classification and Evaluation. The topics are related to timely issues of theory and application of the latest research results.

Best Presenter Awards

Session 1: Best Presenter
Presenter: Jean-Thomas Baillargeon, University Laval, Canada
Paper title: Preventing RNN from Using Sequence Length as a Feature

Session 2: Best Presenter
Presenter: Georgios Zervakis, INRIA, France
Paper Title: An Analogy based Approach for Solving Target Sense Verification