Presentation Guide
You will have 15-minute slot for the presentation (both online and onsite). It will include around 2-3 minutes as the Q&A. For the presentation file, PPT/PPTX format are recommended.
For giving an onsite presentation (oral)
Please bring your presentation on a USB drive and email the file to yourself as a back-up ahead of time in case of loss or failure. We also recommend that you bring business cards.
In order to ensure a smooth performance during your session, please consider the following instructions:
1. Be at the session room around 15-20 minutes before your session starts and introduce yourself to the session chair.
2. A laptop and a screen will be available in all conference rooms. It is not suggested that speakers use their own laptop in order to avoid useless time breaks in between papers.
For giving an online presentation
Because of the pandemic and possible travel restrictions for some participants, online presentation will be available in NLPIR 2024. For online presentation, please prepare your presentation file in PowerPoint or PDF in advance. The presentation will be arranged for 15 minutes slot including 2-3 minutes as Q&A also. And in order to ensure a better experience, a test for internet and basic operation will be arranged for all virtual presenters before the conference.
A moderator will be assigned to each online session to ensure smooth transition between online presentations and promote speakers when needed. Like the onsite session, a session chair will also be assigned to each online session to facilitate and oversee time and question period.